Monday, September 17, 2012

Harper is 6 Months! (As of yesterday)

HALF.A.YEAR. Are you kidding me? I cannot believe that half an entire year has gone by since our sweet girl was born.  On one hand it seems like it has just flown by but on the other hand, it's very hard to remember a time when our sweet angel was not with us.  Funny how life works like that.  

As I mentioned in my previous post, we celebrated Mimi's birthday yesterday along with Harper's 6 month birthday!  It was a fun day and we just loved on each other and celebrated 2 of our favorite girls of all time!! 

Here are her monthly pictures...

Move over lambie...this is my photo op! 


Such a happy girl!

Her outfit from earlier in the day... a special day requires 2 special outfits!

Our pretty pretty princess 

I could eat those cheeks with a spoon!!

Some other hits from this month...

Sitting up like such a big girl!

 Excited about a buggy ride with Lyla and friends!

Big Sister Kylie was so excited to spend time with you after she got 
off "quarantine" from her chicken pox shot!

 Sweetest face!

Trying to ride Marley like a horsey! 

 Harper had her first "groupie" experience with The Wild Feathers

Sweet girl on my Gran's quilt - her Great Grandmother...
she would have loved you oh so much! 

 This pic is the overwhelming favorite pic of the month.  L.O.V.E. You look so grown up!

 I know this is a little blurry but I included it because it shows your sweet excitement! 
You love to kick your legs and wave your arms when you're so happy and excited!

You love pool time with Daddy. You also LOVE to grab faces these days! 
Mama has to stop wearing dangly earrings because you've almost ripped
them out a dozen times!

 I love your eyes, you have so much wonder and curiosity in them! 
(In the pic with me you were starting to get tired and sick of the photo shoot!)

You love your Dad so much!

Dear Harper,

I can't even begin to describe to you how you have changed our lives. It's amazing that 6 whole months have gone by in what seems like the blink of an eye.  You'll hear me say this a lot as you grow up I'm sure and you won't fully understand until you have a child of your own one day. I'll keep reminding you though because I will want you to cherish every moment in life...just like I cherish every single solitary moment with Y.O.U.

This has been a big month! You are sitting up completely on your own. You can still get a little wobbly at times but for the most part, you are an independent sitter! We are so proud of you!  You've also started rolling over at night and sleeping on your tummy.  Big girl.  I remember when it used to freak me out when you would roll over to your tummy but you're so strong and smart, I don't mind you sleeping on your tummy because it makes you so happy.  (and it helps you sleep longer which is a great thing for Mama!)

You are also talking up a storm. You've started saying your "da da da" sounds and we could swear that you are talking to us sometimes.  We ask you how your day was or what you dreamt about last night and you babble away just like you were carrying on a conversation!

You love your rice cereal and we have increased you to 3 tablespoons!  You love it and want more but I am cautious about feeding you more until we see the doctor on Friday.  I can't wait until you can start trying new foods! It will be so fun to see what your favorites are!

Over the past month, you went to your first friend's birthday - Miss Myka turned one and had a fun party!  You had a blast and looked adorable in your outfit. Everyone is always saying what a cute baby you are - and we agree!! Speaking of being cute, you're also in a Gerber contest to try to win money for a college scholarship and possibly a chance to be in a Gerber ad! All of our friends and family are voting every day in hopes that you'll win! You're already a Gerber baby to all of us though :-).

You also celebrated your first Labor Day with some fun cookouts with friends and also got to meet your Uncle Taylor's band - the Wild Feathers!  When they are big rock stars one day you can look back and say "I met them when I was almost 6 months old! I was their youngest fan!"

You are loving school as usual and have had fun taking buggy rides and sitting and starting to play with the other kids more! Miss Shannon had her baby girl Geneveve in the last month and you are excited to have another friend! She is so tiny right now but soon you'll be gabbing it up and playing with her too!

You are sleeping much better at night which makes me so happy.  The trick is to keep you up  just a little later.  They say most babies will sleep longer if they go to bed earlier but that's not the case with our little night owl! We keep you up until about 9 and you're out like a light until about 5 or 6.  Thank you for giving me some extra rest. 

Bath time has gotten more fun since you started sitting up! You love playing with your toys and kicking and splashing around. We also listen to the Children's Indie station on Pandora and it's such a fun and relaxing part of our evening.

Well, don't want to make this any longer even though I could go on and on about all the things that you do that excite us and make us love you even more - though I don't think it's possible to love you another ounce more because our hearts are overflowing with love and adoration of you, our sweet angel baby.  As Daddy says - you are a GIFT - and we thank God daily for the blessing of being your parents.

Happy 6 Months my "Angel Bucket"!


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