Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Harper is 7 Months!

I'm clearly a little late on posting this but I've been so busy!  Last week was full of lots of action, so bear with me because there will be a few posts to take care of!


This past month has been so much fun as Harper continues to grow and learn so many fun new things!  

Here are her 7 month pics...

Here are some of the highlights from Harper's 7th month!

 Play date with Kate, her BFF!

 Standing like a big girl at school
and already dressing like a little diva :-)

 Snuggles with Momma while Daddy is out of town...

Wearing her Halloween bow that big sister Kylie made! 

 Morning smiles and snuggles in Momma & Daddy's bed

Happy girl at Miss Shannon's! 

Met Uncle Eddie who came to visit from California with his son Jackson! 

 Fun bib from Uncle Tom and Aunt Stacy!

 Big girl sitting up at school!

Loving some carrots!

Our first temperature drop! It got down into the 50's so we bundled up! 

She is learning how to drink out of a sippy cup and LOVES it!


 Got geared up for the big TX/OU Game. Even though the Longhorns lost, 
we had the cutest cheerleader EVER!

Tried out our Halloween costume at the gym for a fun baby class.   

 All dressed up! 

 Fun at the Arboretum with Momma and Mimi!

 The Kellys were there too so we had to get pics of the girls who just happened to be wearing the SAME outfit! It made us laugh because Ashley and I always showed up to school wearing the same outfit - not on purpose.  I guess great minds think alike :-)
 I am so thankful that Harper and Kate will grow up together - 
what a special thing to have best friends have babies so close together!

Daddy went out of town for 12 whole days during the last month, and that was tough! We had fun but missed him oh so much! Here are a few pics from the airport... "Reunited and it feels so good!"

 Back in her favorite spot - asleep on Daddy's chest :-)

Now for my monthly letter...

Dear Harper,

I didn't think it was possible for a tiny human being to get any cuter, funnier or smarter...but, it happened!  You are such a bright spot in our lives.  From the time you wake up to the time you go to sleep, you are just happy, funny and FUN! Daddy and I comment all the time about how amazingly fun, easy and just all around awesome you are! You are so easy going and content in any situation!  

This past month, you've started practicing like a big girl with a sippy cup and you love it! You're still mastering the skill but you love drinking water and get so excited when Daddy or I gives you the cup.  You've had all of your veggies including green beans, peas, squash, carrots, sweet potatoes and avocado.  You've also had bananas and apples and we're on to pears next! So far your favorites are sweet potatoes and squash.  You weren't really a fan of green beans at first although you're starting to like them more but avocado was a no go! We'll try it again soon but you were not a happy camper when we gave it to you! It has been so fun seeing how you react to each new food. Sometimes you'll get what I call a "rigor" like you tasted something bad or surprising. Other times you'll get a big grin on your face and grunt for more! You are such a good eater!

You are growing so fast - we are going to be childproofing the house very soon because you're about ready to crawl! You can stand up holding on to things by your self, and you scoot yourself backwards when you're on the floor on your tummy! Look out world, Harper is almost on the move! 

One of my favorite parts about you is your laugh. You think almost everything is funny.  Especially when I make silly noises like "bomp!" or when I pretend to hit myself with something.  You love peek-a-boo and you love it when we sneak up on you - you think it's just hilarious!  You also love to laugh at Marley. You'll just look down at her and crack up! She loves you so much but she also loves to lick you to death so we have to keep an eye on the pooch these days! Pretty soon y'all will be running buddies and she'll never leave your side.

Harper, at least once a week we read this special book called "On the Night You Were Born".  It's such a sweet book and every time I read it, I thank God for the greatest blessing that he could have ever given me.  Here are a few of my favorite lines...

"On the night you were born, the moon smiled with such wonder that the stars peeked in to see you and the night wind whispered, "life will never be the same", because there had never been anyone like you, ever in the world."  Harper, You are such a unique and wonderful little girl and you are going to make such a mark on this world, and I can't wait to see all the surprises you have in store for us!

"Not once had there been such eyes, such a nose, such silly, wiggly wonderful toes." I love looking at your sweet face baby girl. You are the most beautiful angel Momma and Daddy could have dreamed of!

"For never before in story or rhyme (not even once upon a time), has the world ever known a you, my friend, and it never will, not ever again.  Heaven blew every trumpet and played every horn on the wonderful, marvelous night you were born." 

Harper - the world got a little sweeter the day you were born and it continues to as we see more of your personality, sweet disposition and calming presence.  We love you so much and are so blessed to be your parents.

Love you Schmoo Boo!

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