Wednesday, July 18, 2012

One Year Ago Today

One Year ago today I came home from work on a Monday evening and wasn't feeling quite right. We were trying to get pregnant and I was aware that I was possibly a day or two late but didn't think I was pregnant.

Jeff was cleaning the pool and I decided to take a pregnancy test before taking my shower just to know for sure.  I took the test and as I sat and watched the little clock blink on the test, I was preparing my self to see "Not Pregnant".  I started doing things around the bathroom to help the time pass more quickly and kept glancing over and still seeing the blinking clock.  The whole time I kept thinking, "it's going to be negative, it's going to be negative..." because I SO badly wanted it to be positive but I didn't want to get my hopes up!

I finally thought enough time had passed and I went back to check the results. I bent down to look at the test and it said PREGNANT!! I was in shock.  I was so happy!! I went out to Jeff to see how much time he had left on the pool and he said 10 minutes or so.  I went back in and tried to think of a creative way to tell him.   But then...I couldn't stand it. If you know me well, you know I'm NOT good at surprises or waiting to give gifts, etc.  Once I have something for someone, I want them to have it.  This news was not going to stay in my mouth for one more minute.  So, I walked outside and came around the corner.  Jeff said when I came around the corner I looked like I'd seen an angel. He said my whole face was lit up and it was unmistakable.

I told him I needed to talk to him and he new immediately. I told him we were going to have a baby! We laughed, hugged, cried and couldn't wait to tell our family and friends.

Another fun, err interesting aspect of the timing...I was 6 days away from leaving on a 17 day program in California and I'd be out of town for 21 days total.  That made things a little challenging in terms of last minute doctor appointments.  I told a few work friends the news so they'd know why I couldn't help lift boxes, eat our normal deli lunch buffet or stay up late just to chat.  But, overall it was great and tiny "peanut Harper" and I enjoyed this view for the next 2.5 weeks!  

The trip was great and it helped the time pass during those first weeks when you're scared to move, trying to learn what you can and can't eat/do, etc.  Jeff and Kylie joined me after my program was over and we had a great time.  I felt pretty good although food was starting to taste funny and I had a little nausea, overall, I'd say I was pretty lucky with my early symptoms! 
We took this picture to commemorate Harper being so tiny in my belly so she'd know she was there with us... I think I was 7 weeks pregnant in this picture.

When we got back we had our first doctor appointment and got this fun first picture of our girl. (Although we had no idea she was a girl yet!)  
 This is really grainy but you can still see the general small little "peanut" in the picture and the words...
"See you in March!"

Our lives changed forever on July 18, 2011 and March 16, 2012 and we are so blessed to have our sweet baby girl! 

Much love,

1 comment:

Ashley D said...

So sweet! I cannot believe that was a year ago already!! Time sure does fly!!