Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Harper's 6 Month Stats & An Update!

I'm a little behind in posting this but better late than never, right?  We went to the doctor on September 21st for Harper's 6 month check-up and here are her stats:

Weight: 16 pounds 7 ounces (54%)
Height: 26" (54%)
Head: 17.5" (91%!!)

Waiting to get weighed at the doctor. Sitting up like a pro! 

Our girl is super healthy and is doing everything that a sweet little 6 month old should do.  We were also pleased to hear that they think her umbilical hernia is completely gone! Woohoo!  She had to get 3 shots again which included round one of her flu shot. Those shots just don't get easier...it just breaks my heart to see the look of sheer pain and shock come quickly over her face when they are giving her the shots.  I try to scoop her up as quickly as I can each time and she's usually done crying shortly after but it's still tough to hear her so upset.

The next day was a BUSY one!!

We started out the day at 5:30 am when we woke up to make it to the Plano Balloon Festival. It was a blast and so beautiful.  As you can see by the pictures, we all let the slight chill in the air push us to dress like it was full-on Fall! Not quite, but it was still nice!

 Daddy loving on his sweet girl
 Kylie and da Smooch Pooch soaking in the view!

 J's Girls...

Harper loves her doggie! 

 Pretty balloons taking off

 Harper was the only smart one who remembered her sunglasses!

Marley was so happy to be included in the fun. She was a popular pooch and everyone wanted to pet her! 

This is how we all felt by the end.

After the balloon festival, Harper and I ran some errands and she sat like a big girl in the shopping cart for the first time. She LOVED it and was taking in all the sights and sounds.  She was also getting stopped by every single person who passed us because she was just so cute and happy!

That night after celebrating upcoming birthdays with our friends, Harper and I went to visit Uncle Tay and the rest of the fam at a shower for Taylor's good friends Garrett & Lexi.  (Daddy went downtown to watch his Arizona Wildcats play with his buddy Tommy) Taylor and Preston were playing and as soon as he saw Harper and finished his song, he called me up to give his sweet niece some lovin'...too precious. I love how Taylor is such a proud uncle!  

Hopefully Harper will get his musical talent...and NOT mine!! :-)

 Mimi had fun dancing with her girl!

Coco was excited to see her granddaughter! 

I changed Harper into her PJ's and she decided to sport Uncle Tay's Antone's Hat before we headed home for the night. :-)

Unfortunately I didn't get pics of everyone that night but it was a good time!

J and I ended the weekend with the home opener of the Dallas Cowboys, and they actually won! (Shocking I know!)  We appreciated the free tix from the Freeds, enjoyed hanging with friends and most importantly got in some good Mommy/Daddy adult time! :)

Awesome seats! 

That's all we know for now! Before you know it, I'll be posting about our girl's 7 month birthday unless I get really motivated and post again before then!


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